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Title: 14. Headspace

Bottle Headspace or Bottle Vacuity

Headspace is the air space above Fill Point of a carbonated beverage glass bottle, to contain the internal air pressure and the dissolved co2 in beverage content, stored at different location, in different seasons or weathers of the year.

Air pressure control is not needed for non-carbonated content bottles.

Headspace is recommended minimum 4% of Fill Point volume. Below 4% may fail Internal Air Pressure requirement during transport or storage. Too much Headspace, say over 4.3%, would make the bottle with content appearing under-filled. Oversize Headspace may change the taste of the content after a long time.

It is critical for carbonated drinks to maintain appropriate Headspace.

When the temperature increases, the content of the bottle would release co2 into the headspace. However, when the temperature decreases, it would dissolve co2 in it. The internal air pressure would react proportionally to the content and co2 volume changed.

Bottle content temperature would vary in different environments, for example, during pasteurisation or sterilisation heat treatment, or during transportation and storage, in a truck or the boot of a car, parked in direct sunlight during hot Summer or in snow open air during Winter.

For example, at 10°C and 5.6 atm, a cooled 750ml champagne bottle would contain (Carbonic Acid) 9.5 g of dissolved co2. Once the bottle is opened the co2 pressure falls to at most 1 atm. Solubility considerations dictate that at 10°C no more than 1.7 g will remain dissolved, so roughly 8 g of co2 must suddenly be set free. This quantity of co2 corresponds to a gas volume of 4 Litre, more than five times the volume of the bottle.

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* * Bottle Headspace - Bottle Vacuity

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