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Title: 12. Glass Finish

Glass Finish is the first part of a glass container to be formed during the production process on a fully automatic glass forming Machine.

Glass Finish has been commercially standardized by Associations, like Glass Packaging Institute (GPI), British Glass (UK), Closures manufacturers like Guala, Crown Cork, Alcoa and so on.
1. Crown Seal, 26-600, 26-650, 26-655
2. Shallow / Tall Continuous Thread
3. Pilfer Proof (Tamper-Evident)
4. Top Seal Vacuum Lug
5. Cork
6. Guala
7. Sprinkler Top, Aerosol
8. Other Families
9. Non-Standard Finish

For more information, Website recommended:

You may Google for Glass Containers Finish

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This website is set up for the convenience of Glass Containers Manufacturers Sales/Production Managers/Engineers/Supervisors and Glassware/Mould Design Specialists to evaluate various technical data for Manufacturing and Sales.

* * Glass Finish

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